Source code for

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as ss
import os
import logging

from sklearn.utils import check_random_state

import torch
from import Dataset
import ada.utils.experimentation as xp
from ada.datasets.dataset_access import DatasetAccess

[docs]def shift_data(x_in, ti=None, ri=None, si=None): """ This function applies scaling, translation and/or rotation to 2D data points, in that order only. Args x_in (np.ndarray): data, input feature array of shape (n, d) ti (float, optional): translation (scalar or vector of compatible dimension). Defaults to None. ri (float, optional): rotation angle in radians (scalar, for 2D points only). Defaults to None. si (float, optional): scaling factor (scalar). Defaults to None. Returns: np.ndarray: transformed feature array of shape (n, d), same as x_in. """ x_out = x_in if si is not None and si > 0: s_mat = si * np.eye(x_in.shape[1]) x_out = x_out @ s_mat if ti is not None: x_out = x_out + ti if ri is not None: if x_in.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("Rotation may be applied to 2D data only") rot_mat = np.array([[np.cos(ri), np.sin(ri)], [-np.sin(ri), np.cos(ri)]]) x_out = x_out @ rot_mat return x_out
[docs]def gen_cluster_distributions( dim, n_clusters, radius, random_state=None, centers="normal" ): random_state = check_random_state(random_state) if isinstance(centers, list): centers = np.array(centers) if isinstance(centers, str): if centers == "normal": cluster_means = random_state.normal(size=(n_clusters, dim)) elif centers == "fixed" and n_clusters < 3 and dim == 2: fixed_means = np.array([[-0.5, 0.0], [0.5, 0]]) cluster_means = fixed_means[:n_clusters, :] elif isinstance(centers, np.ndarray): cluster_means = centers n_clusters, dim = cluster_means.shape else: cluster_means = random_state.uniform(size=(n_clusters, dim)) # cluster_std = random_state.uniform(size=(n_clusters, dim)) * radius if isinstance(radius, (np.ndarray, list)): radius = np.array(radius) if radius.shape != (n_clusters, dim): logging.debug(radius.shape, centers.shape) n_radii, dim_radius = ( radius.shape if radius.ndim == 2 else radius.shape[0], 1, ) if dim_radius != dim and radius.ndim > 1 and n_radii == n_clusters: cluster_var = np.repeat(radius[:, 0], dim).reshape((n_clusters, dim)) elif dim_radius != dim and radius.ndim == 1 and n_radii == n_clusters: cluster_var = np.repeat(radius, dim).reshape((n_clusters, dim)) elif dim_radius == dim and n_radii == 1: cluster_var = ( np.repeat(radius[:], n_clusters).reshape((dim, n_clusters)).T ) else: cluster_var = np.repeat(radius[0], dim * n_clusters).reshape( (dim, n_clusters) ) logging.warning( f"Input radius {radius} shape doesn't match cluster centers shape. Attempts to adapt, will use {cluster_var} instead" ) else: cluster_var = radius else: cluster_var = np.ones((n_clusters, dim)) * radius if n_clusters <= 1: cluster_dist = ss.multivariate_normal( mean=cluster_means.flatten(), cov=cluster_var.flatten() ) return cluster_dist, cluster_means, cluster_var cluster_dists = np.array( list( map( lambda x: (ss.multivariate_normal, {"mean": x[0], "cov": x[1]}), zip(cluster_means, cluster_var), ) ) ) return cluster_dists, cluster_means, cluster_var
[docs]class CausalClusterGenerator: """ Generate blobs from a gaussian distribution following given causal parameters relating environment/domain, X and Y: - Y --> X: select class Y, then distribution X|Y """ def __init__( self, dim=2, n_clusters=2, radius=0.05, proba_classes=0.5, centers="fixed", shape="blobs", data_seed=None, ): self._random_state = check_random_state(data_seed) self._n_clusters = n_clusters self._proba_classes = proba_classes self.shape = shape self._cluster_dists, self._means, self._stds = gen_cluster_distributions( dim=dim, n_clusters=n_clusters, radius=radius, centers=centers, random_state=self._random_state, )
[docs] def generate_sample( self, nb_samples, shift_y=False, shift_x=False, shift_conditional_x=False, shift_conditional_y=False, y_cause_x=True, ye=0.5, te=0.3, se=None, re=None, ): """ Generate a sample and apply a given shift: shift_x = change p(x), ie x_e = f(x, env) shift_y = change p(y), ie y_e = f(y, env) shift_conditional_x = change p(x|y), ie x_e = f(y, x, env) shift_conditional_y = change p(y|x), ie y_e = f(x, y, env) env_parameters control the change in the data: ye = proportion of class 0 labels te = translation value (uniform on all dimensions!) se = scaling factor re = rotation in radians """ if shift_y and y_cause_x: logging.debug("E --> Z=Y") zy = ss.bernoulli(ye * self._proba_classes).rvs( size=nb_samples, random_state=self._random_state ) zx = None elif ( isinstance(self._proba_classes, (np.ndarray, list)) or len(self._cluster_dists) > 2 ): n_clusters, dim = self._means.shape if not isinstance(self._proba_classes, (np.ndarray, list)): n_samples = (np.ones(n_clusters, dtype=float) / n_clusters) * nb_samples else: probas = np.array(self._proba_classes) probas /= probas.sum() n_samples = probas * nb_samples n_samples = n_samples.astype( n_samples[-1] = nb_samples - np.sum(n_samples[:-1]) zy = np.empty(nb_samples, zx = np.empty((nb_samples, dim), dtype=np.float) sid = 0 for class_id, n_class_samples in enumerate(n_samples): pdist, law_args = self._cluster_dists[class_id] zy[sid : sid + n_class_samples] = np.ones(n_class_samples) * class_id zx[sid : sid + n_class_samples, :] = pdist.rvs( size=n_class_samples, random_state=self._random_state, **law_args ) sid += n_class_samples else: logging.debug("ZY = cte") zy = ss.bernoulli(self._proba_classes).rvs( size=nb_samples, random_state=self._random_state ) zx = None logging.debug("ZY --> ZX(ZY)") if zx is None: zx = np.array( [ pdist.rvs(size=1, random_state=self._random_state, **law_args) for pdist, law_args in self._cluster_dists[zy] ] ).astype(np.float32) if self.shape.lower() == "moons": r = 1 - zy * 2 # assumes 2 classes, maps 0 to 1 and 1 to -1 indices = np.linspace(0, np.pi, nb_samples) self._random_state.shuffle(indices) zx[:, 0] = zx[:, 0] + r * np.cos(indices) zx[:, 1] = zx[:, 1] + r * np.sin(indices) if shift_x: logging.debug("E, ZX --> X = g_E(XZ)") x = shift_data(zx, ti=te, si=se, ri=re) else: logging.debug("X=ZX") x = zx if shift_conditional_x: logging.debug("ZY, ZX, E --> g_E(X, Y)") # x = f(y, env) if te is None: ti0 = ti1 = None elif isinstance(te, float): ti0, ti1 = te * 2, te / 2 else: ti0, ti1 = te if se is None: si0 = si1 = se elif isinstance(se, float): si0, si1 = se * 2, se / 2 else: si0, si1 = se if se is not None and (si0 < 0 or si1 < 0): raise ValueError("Scaling factor cannot be negative") if re is None: ri0 = ri1 = re elif isinstance(re, float): ri0, ri1 = re * 2, re / 2 else: ri0, ri1 = re x[zy == 0, :] = shift_data(zx[zy == 0], ti=ti0, si=si0, ri=ri0) x[zy == 1, :] = shift_data(zx[zy == 1], ti=ti1, si=si1, ri=ri1) if y_cause_x: logging.debug("Y=ZY") y = zy return x, y fx = np.sum(x, axis=1) xm = self._means.sum(axis=1) if shift_conditional_y: logging.debug("X, E --> Y") # y = f(env, x) thresh = np.percentile(xm, q=ye * 100) else: # y = f(x) indep. env logging.debug("E --> X --> Y") thresh = np.median(xm) logging.debug("threshold:", thresh) y = (fx > thresh).astype(int) if shift_y: logging.debug("flip random labels") idx = np.random.choice(len(y), int(ye * len(y)), replace=False) y[idx] = 1 return x, y
@property def means(self): return self._means
[docs]def get_datashift_params(data_shift=None, ye=0.5, te=None, se=None, re=None): """ This factory simplifies the parameter generation process for a number of use cases. The parameters generated can be used with CausalClusterGenerator.generate_sample """ data_shift_types = dict( no_shift=dict( shift_y=False, shift_x=False, shift_conditional_x=False, shift_conditional_y=False, y_cause_x=True, ye=ye, te=te, se=se, re=re, ), covariate_shift_y=dict( y_cause_x=True, shift_y=False, shift_x=True, re=re, te=te, se=se ), cond_covariate_shift_y=dict( y_cause_x=True, shift_y=False, shift_conditional_x=True, shift_x=False, re=re, te=te, se=se, ), covariate_shift_x=dict( y_cause_x=True, shift_y=False, shift_x=True, re=re, te=te, se=se ), label_shift=dict(y_cause_x=True, shift_y=True, shift_x=False, ye=ye), label_and_covariate_shift=dict( y_cause_x=True, shift_y=True, shift_x=True, ye=ye, re=re, te=te, se=se ), label_and_cond_covariate_shift=dict( y_cause_x=True, shift_y=True, shift_conditional_x=True, ye=ye, re=re, te=te, se=se, ), covariate_and_cond_label_shift=dict( y_cause_x=False, shift_x=True, shift_conditional_y=True, ye=ye, re=re, te=te, se=se, ), ) if data_shift is not None: return data_shift_types[data_shift] return list(data_shift_types.keys())
[docs]class CausalBlobs( """ `CausalGaussianBlobs Dataset. MNIST-like dataset that generates Blobs in a given environment setting - original cluster params set by `cluster_params` dictionary - environment and cluster generation params given by `transform` dictionary """ raw_folder = "BlobsData" def __init__( self, data_path, # for compatibility with other datasets API train=True, transform=None, download=True, cluster_params=None, n_samples=300, ): """Init Blobs dataset.""" super(CausalBlobs, self).__init__() self.root = data_path self.transform = transform if transform is not None else {} self.train = train # training set or test set self.n_samples = n_samples if cluster_params is None: self.cluster_params = dict( n_clusters=2, data_seed=0, radius=0.02, centers=None, proba_classes=0.5 ) else: self.cluster_params = cluster_params tmp_cluster_params = cluster_params.copy() if isinstance(cluster_params["centers"], np.ndarray): tmp_cluster_params["centers"] = tmp_cluster_params["centers"].tolist() cluster_hash = xp.param_to_hash(tmp_cluster_params) transform_hash = xp.param_to_hash(transform) self.data_dir = os.path.join(cluster_hash, transform_hash) root_dir = os.path.join(self.root, self.raw_folder) os.makedirs(root_dir, exist_ok=True) xp.record_hashes( os.path.join(root_dir, "parameters.json"), f"{cluster_hash}/{transform_hash}", {"cluster_params": tmp_cluster_params, "transform": transform}, ) self.training_file = "" self.test_file = "" self._cluster_gen = None if not self._check_exists() or download: self.create_on_disk() if not self._check_exists(): raise RuntimeError("Dataset not found.") if self.train:, self.targets = torch.load( os.path.join( self.root, self.raw_folder, self.data_dir, self.training_file ) ) else:, self.targets = torch.load( os.path.join(self.root, self.raw_folder, self.data_dir, self.test_file) ) def __getitem__(self, index): """Get images and target for data loader. Args: index (int): Index Returns: tuple: (image, target) where target is index of the target class. """ data, target =[index], self.targets[index] return data, target def __len__(self): """Return size of dataset.""" return len( def _check_exists(self): return os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.root, self.raw_folder, self.data_dir, self.training_file) ) and os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.root, self.raw_folder, self.data_dir, self.test_file) )
[docs] def create_on_disk(self): file_path = os.path.join(self.root, self.raw_folder, self.data_dir) # make data dirs os.makedirs(file_path, exist_ok=True) self._cluster_gen = CausalClusterGenerator(**self.cluster_params) X_tr, y_tr = self._cluster_gen.generate_sample(self.n_samples, **self.transform) Xtr = torch.from_numpy(X_tr).float() ytr = torch.from_numpy(y_tr).long() training_set = (Xtr, ytr) X_te, y_te = self._cluster_gen.generate_sample(self.n_samples, **self.transform) Xte = torch.from_numpy(X_te).float() yte = torch.from_numpy(y_te).long() test_set = (Xte, yte) with open(os.path.join(file_path, self.training_file), "wb") as f:, f) with open(os.path.join(file_path, self.test_file), "wb") as f:, f)
[docs] def delete_from_disk(self): file_path = os.path.join(self.root, self.raw_folder, self.data_dir) os.remove(os.path.join(file_path, self.training_file)) os.remove(os.path.join(file_path, self.test_file))
[docs]class CausalBlobsDataAccess(DatasetAccess): def __init__(self, data_path, transform, download, cluster_params, n_samples): super().__init__(n_classes=cluster_params.get("n_clusters", 2)) self._data_path = data_path self._transform = transform self._download = download self._cluster_params = cluster_params self._n_samples = n_samples
[docs] def get_train(self): return CausalBlobs( data_path=self._data_path, train=True, transform=self._transform, download=self._download, cluster_params=self._cluster_params, n_samples=self._n_samples, )
[docs] def get_test(self): return CausalBlobs( data_path=self._data_path, train=False, transform=self._transform, download=self._download, cluster_params=self._cluster_params, n_samples=self._n_samples, )