Source code for ada.datasets.multisource

import logging
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from ada.datasets.sampler import get_labels, MultiDataLoader, SamplingConfig
from ada.datasets.dataset_access import DatasetAccess

[docs]class DatasetSizeType(Enum): Max = "max" # size of the biggest dataset Source = "source" # size of the source dataset
[docs] @staticmethod def get_size(size_type, source_dataset, *other_datasets): if size_type is DatasetSizeType.Max: return max(list(map(len, other_datasets)) + [len(source_dataset)]) elif size_type is DatasetSizeType.Source: return len(source_dataset) else: raise ValueError( f"Size type size must be 'max' or 'source', had '{size_type}'" )
[docs]class DomainsDatasetBase:
[docs] def prepare_data_loaders(self): """ handles train/validation/test split to have 3 datasets each with data from all domains :return: """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_domain_loaders(self, split="train", batch_size=32): """ handles the sampling of a dataset containing multiple domains Args: split (string, optional): ["train"|"valid"|"test"]. Which dataset to iterate on. Defaults to "train". batch_size (int, optional): Defaults to 32. Returns: MultiDataLoader: A dataloader with API similar to the torch.dataloader, but returning batches from several domains at each iteration. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class MultiDomainDatasets(DomainsDatasetBase): def __init__( self, source_access: DatasetAccess, target_access: DatasetAccess, val_split_ratio=0.1, source_sampling_config=None, target_sampling_config=None, size_type=DatasetSizeType.Max, n_fewshot=None, random_state=None, ): """The class controlling how the source and target domains are iterated over. Args: source_access (DatasetAccess): accessor for the source dataset target_access (DatasetAccess): accessor for the target dataset val_split_ratio (float, optional): ratio for the validation part of the train dataset. Defaults to 0.1. source_sampling_config (SamplingConfig, optional): How to sample from the source. Defaults to None (=> RandomSampler). target_sampling_config (SamplingConfig, optional): How to sample from the target. Defaults to None (=> RandomSampler). size_type (DatasetSizeType, optional): Which dataset size to use to define the number of epochs vs batch_size. Defaults to DatasetSizeType.Max. n_fewshot (int, optional): Number of target samples for which the label may be used, to define the few-shot, semi-supervised setting. Defaults to None. random_state ([int|np.random.RandomState], optional): Used for deterministic sampling/few-shot label selection. Defaults to None. """ self._source_access = source_access self._target_access = target_access self._val_split_ratio = val_split_ratio self._source_sampling_config = ( source_sampling_config if source_sampling_config is not None else SamplingConfig() ) self._target_sampling_config = ( target_sampling_config if target_sampling_config is not None else SamplingConfig() ) self._size_type = size_type self._n_fewshot = n_fewshot self._random_state = check_random_state(random_state) self._source_by_split = {} self._labeled_target_by_split = None self._target_by_split = {}
[docs] def is_semi_supervised(self): return self._n_fewshot is not None and self._n_fewshot > 0
[docs] def prepare_data_loaders(self): logging.debug("Load source") ( self._source_by_split["train"], self._source_by_split["valid"], ) = self._source_access.get_train_val(self._val_split_ratio) logging.debug("Load target") ( self._target_by_split["train"], self._target_by_split["valid"], ) = self._target_access.get_train_val(self._val_split_ratio) logging.debug("Load source Test") self._source_by_split["test"] = self._source_access.get_test() logging.debug("Load target Test") self._target_by_split["test"] = self._target_access.get_test() if self._n_fewshot is not None and self._n_fewshot > 0: # semi-supervised target domain self._labeled_target_by_split = {} for part in ["train", "valid", "test"]: ( self._labeled_target_by_split[part], self._target_by_split[part], ) = _split_dataset_few_shot( self._target_by_split[part], self._n_fewshot )
[docs] def get_domain_loaders(self, split="train", batch_size=32): source_ds = self._source_by_split[split] source_loader = self._source_sampling_config.create_loader( source_ds, batch_size ) target_ds = self._target_by_split[split] if self._labeled_target_by_split is None: # unsupervised target domain target_loader = self._target_sampling_config.create_loader( target_ds, batch_size ) n_dataset = DatasetSizeType.get_size(self._size_type, source_ds, target_ds) return MultiDataLoader( dataloaders=[source_loader, target_loader], n_batches=max(n_dataset // batch_size, 1), ) else: # semi-supervised target domain target_labeled_ds = self._labeled_target_by_split[split] target_unlabeled_ds = target_ds # label domain: always balanced target_labeled_loader = SamplingConfig( balance=True, class_weights=None ).create_loader( target_labeled_ds, batch_size=min(len(target_labeled_ds), batch_size) ) target_unlabeled_loader = self._target_sampling_config.create_loader( target_unlabeled_ds, batch_size ) n_dataset = DatasetSizeType.get_size( self._size_type, source_ds, target_labeled_ds, target_unlabeled_ds ) return MultiDataLoader( dataloaders=[ source_loader, target_labeled_loader, target_unlabeled_loader, ], n_batches=max(n_dataset // batch_size, 1), )
def __len__(self): source_ds = self._source_by_split["train"] target_ds = self._target_by_split["train"] if self._labeled_target_by_split is None: return DatasetSizeType.get_size(self._size_type, source_ds, target_ds) else: labeled_target_ds = self._labeled_target_by_split["train"] return DatasetSizeType.get_size( self._size_type, source_ds, labeled_target_ds, target_ds )
def _split_dataset_few_shot(dataset, n_fewshot, random_state=None): if n_fewshot <= 0: raise ValueError(f"n_fewshot should be > 0, not '{n_fewshot}'") assert n_fewshot > 0 labels = get_labels(dataset) classes = sorted(set(labels)) if n_fewshot < 1: max_few = len(dataset) // len(classes) n_fewshot = round(max_few * n_fewshot) n_fewshot = int(round(n_fewshot)) random_state = check_random_state(random_state) # sample n_fewshot items per class from last dataset tindices = [] uindices = [] for class_ in classes: indices = np.where(labels == class_)[0] random_state.shuffle(indices) head, tail = np.split(indices, [n_fewshot]) assert len(head) == n_fewshot tindices.append(head) uindices.append(tail) tindices = np.concatenate(tindices) uindices = np.concatenate(uindices) assert len(tindices) == len(classes) * n_fewshot labeled_dataset =, tindices) unlabeled_dataset =, uindices) return labeled_dataset, unlabeled_dataset