Algorithms implemented ###################### Most methods aim to learn a common representation space for source and target domain, splitting the classical end-to-end deep neural network into a feature extractor with parameters :math:`\Phi` and a task classifier with parameters :math:`\theta_y`. Alignment between source and target feature distributions is obtained by adding an alignment term :math:`L_d` to the usual task loss :math:`L_c`: :math:`L = L_c + \lambda \cdot L_d` This alignment term is controlled by a parameter :math:`\lambda` which grows from 0 to 1 during learning. Some algorithms use a third network with parameters :math:`\theta_d` to parameterize the aligment term :math:`L_d`. A typical algorithm may thus be represented with 2 or 3 blocks as in the figure below: .. image:: images/ada_blocks.png Three types of alignment terms are implemented in ADA, leading to 3 families of methods: 1. Adversarial methods, similar to DANN, use a so-called domain classifier with parameters θd as an adversary to align the features, 2. Optimal-transport based methods, in which the domain classifier, called a critic, is trained to minimize the divergence between the source and target feature distributions, 3. Kernel-based methods, which minimize the maximum mean discrepancy in the kernel space to align features. DANN-like methods ----------------- The common part of these methods is that they all use a gradient-reversal layer as described in the DANN paper. - DANN architecture from Ganin, Yaroslav, et al. “Domain-adversarial training of neural networks.” The Journal of Machine Learning Research (2016) - CDAN: Long, Mingsheng, et al. “Conditional adversarial domain adaptation.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2018. and its variant CDAN-E (with entropy weighting). - FSDANN: a naive adaptation of DANN to the fewshot setting (using known target labels in the task loss) - MME: Saito, Kuniaki, et al. “Semi-supervised domain adaptation via minimax entropy.” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2019 this method uses the GRL layer on the entropy of the task classifier output for target samples. Optimal transport methods ------------------------- Currently WDGRL is implemented, as described in Shen, Jian, et al. “Wasserstein distance guided representation learning for domain adaptation.” Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2018. Its variant WDGRLMod better fits the pytorch-lightning patterns. The difference is that the critic is optimized on `k_critic` different batches instead of `k_critic` times on the same batch. When the `beta_ratio` parameter is not zero, both these method also implement their asymmetric ($\beta$) variant described in: Wu, Yifan, et al. "Domain adaptation with asymmetrically-relaxed distribution alignment." ICML (2019) MMD-based methods ----------------- - DAN Long, Mingsheng, et al. "Learning Transferable Features with Deep Adaptation Networks." International Conference on Machine Learning. 2015. - JAN Long, Mingsheng, et al. "Deep transfer learning with joint adaptation networks." International Conference on Machine Learning, 2017. Both these methods have been implemented based on the authors code at Implementation -------------- The classes for the unsupervised domain architectures are organised like this, where each arrow denotes inheritance: .. image:: images/ada_architecture_models.png Most methods may be implemented by just writing the forward pass and the ``compute_loss`` method, which should return the two components :math:`L_c` and :math:`L_d`, as well as the metrics to use for logging and evaluation.